Donor Levels

Donor categories for American Songbook Preservation Society


“Tin Pan Alley Donor”


“Broadway Donor”


“Hollywood Musical Donor”


“Irving Berlin Donor”


“Cole Porter Donor”


“Duke Ellington Donor”


“George Gershwin Donor”


“Harry Warren Donor”


“Great American Songbook Founding Donor”
Your name is forever associated with American Songbook Preservation Society.


“Great American Songbook Perpetuity Sponsor”
Your name is forever associated with American Songbook Preservation Society.


“Greatest American Songbook Perpetuity Sponsor”
Your name is forever associated with American Songbook Preservation Society

A tax-deductible donation receipt will follow your contribution to keeping our Great American Cultural treasure alive for future generations.

Federal Tax ID No. 56-2410339

Make your check payable to:

American Songbook Preservation Society

P.O.Box 742

Aptos, California 95001-0742

(831) 687-0278

Gifts of Stock, Bonds, Real Estate, Trust Funds,

Beneficiary Designation of other Financial Instruments such as Life Insurance,

Charitable Remainder Trusts, and Individual Retirement Accounts

are gratefully accepted and recorded at full value at the time of your donation.